A group calling itself the Movement for Democratic and Accountable Governance (MODAG) has threatened to petition the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), to probe the bribery allegations against some Members of Parliament vetting the Minister nominees if Parliament fails to follow due process in its investigation.
The Speaker of Parliament, Michael Oquaye has set up a five member committee to investigate the bribery allegation, following a petition by Member of Parliament for Bawku Central, Mahama Ayariga [who levelled the bribery allegation against the then Energy Minister nominee, Boakye Agyarko.]
Ayaiga together with the Members of Parliament for North Tongu and Tamale North, Samuel Ablakwa and Suhunyini Alhassan respectively petitioned the Speaker to investigate the matter.
But the Spokesperson for the group, Isaac Kwame, told Citi News the group will petition CHRAJ to investigate the matter if Parliament fails to deliver as expected.
“We at MODAG, all that we are saying is that due process must be followed. Now Parliament has come out to deny the allegation but have they followed due process, have they made enquiry to verify the truth?We want due process to be followed. We at MODAG want to know the truth. We just want Parliament to do the right thing, follow due process, determine who is telling lies or who is telling the truth.
“We believe that this matter has brought the name of Parliament into disrepute and we can say that this is not the first time, there were allegations of corruption mentioned so Parliament must do the right thing. Parliament must do everything possible so that the name of Parliament will be cleaned. We at MODEG believe this issue will affect the integrity of Parliament if it is not thoroughly investigated so all that we are saying is that the Speaker should inesvtigate thoroughly to come out with the truth so that the name of Parliament will not be rubbed in the mud. If Parliament fails to do justice to the case, then we shall petition CHRAJ because that is an independent body.”
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(Via: CitiFM Online Ghana)